At Flobers, we will address any doubts or questions you may have. You can contact us through the means of your choice or subscribe to our newsletter to find out about our news.
INICIO _ Legal information for the investor
Investing in projects published on the Flobers website, platform, and its IP domains may involve certain risks, such as the risk of total or partial loss of invested capital, not obtaining the expected financial returns, or lack of liquidity of investments. Therefore, we strongly advise investors to invest amounts they are prepared to lose and diversify their investments to minimize and mitigate potential risks.
The main risks associated with this type of investments include, but are not limited to:
The information published by Flobers Crowdfunding Spain P.F.P, S.L. on its Platform is for information purposes only and cannot be considered as recommendations for renewable energy crowdfunding investors. The crowdfunding projects for renewable energy published by Flobers Crowdfunding Spain P.F.P, S.L. on its Platform are not subject to authorization or supervision by the National Securities Market Commission or the Bank of Spain. Therefore, all information provided by any developer regarding the projects published has not been reviewed by said entities.
Investing in renewable energy projects advertised on the Platform may involve certain risks, such as the risk of total or partial loss of invested capital, not obtaining the expected financial returns or lack of liquidity. Therefore, we advise investors only to invest amounts that they are prepared to lose and advise them to diversify their investments to minimize and mitigate the potential risks. In the case of a developer’s inability to repay the funds received, Flobers Crowdfunding Spain P.F.P, S.L. will not refund the investors’ investment made in photovoltaic energy.
Fees applicable to Flobers’ service are established in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 October 2020 on European crowdfunding service providers for businesses and concording Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937.
Said fees are set out in the following table, which will be in effect from 2022 onwards.
Minimum (€) Rate (*)
Preliminary analysisi of the Project Feasibility study of the project 250 € 0.5%
2.500 € 5%
Developer advice for project publication on the platform, without marketing. (Optional) 1.500 € –
Developer advice for the launch marketing campaign of the project (Optional) 1.500 € 1%
Enabling of long-distance communication channels prior to financing 500 € 0,5%
Drafting and providing the necessary contract templates, and making them available to developers for participation in projects 500 € 0,5%
Enabling of distance communication channels after financing (Optional) 100 €/month 0%
(*) percentages are calculated on the total amount to be financed per project. The amounts shown are established as reference rates, and always as caps.
Applicable to investors Minimum (€) Rate (*¹)
Drafting and providing the necessary contract templates and making them available to investors for participation in projects 0 € 0,0%
Submission to investors of ongoing project information provided by the relevant developer 0 € 0,1%
Judicial and extrajudicial claim of credit rights 250 € 2,0%
(*Âą) Percentages are calculated on the total amount invested.
Flobers has designed and implemented policies and procedures to minimize the risk of fraud in the transactions it presents on its Platform. To this end, it has the necessary organizational measures and means to minimize such risks, including:
Flobers carries out a due diligence before accepting the publication of projects In this context, Flobers has defined a procedure with criteria for the origin of developers, corporate risks of developers, and the tools and sources of information for such evaluation with the objective of analyzing and assessing the projects and their characteristics, as well as those of the developers.
Flobers periodically reviews its procedures and systems to supervise the operations carried out on the platform and will cross-check them with the information received from promoters with the payments made with each project in order to detect that the platform is not misused or improperly used by promoters, investors or employees.
Flobers’ general management analyzes and evaluates the main operational risks faced in the development of its activity to design and approve a plan for the management of operational risk, which will be periodically reviewed.
Flobers has an Internal Conduct Manual. If you want more information, you can click here:
Procedures and means for filing complaints and claims by clients and the procedures for resolving them.
Flobers has a Client Defense Regulation that details the procedure for filing complaints and claims by clients and the procedures for resolving them. If you want more information, you can click here:
The customer service officer in charge of resolving complaints and claims filed by clients of Flobers Crowdfunding Spain P.F.P, S.L. is as follows:
Customer Service Officer: Ms. Paloma Chicharro
Customer Service Phone: +34 91 737 98 10
Postal Address: Calle Alameda 22, 28014, Madrid
Flobers Crowdfunding Spain P.F.P, S.L. shall attend to and resolve the complaints and claims filed by its clients by any means with the above-mentioned Customer Service within one month from their submission. After this period, the client may refer to the CNMV Claims Service.
Nevertheless, before referring to the CNMV Claims Service, a complaint or file must be lodged with Flobers. However, if you disagree with the response received, or if a month has passed without a response, there is a Complaints Service of the National Securities Market Commission (attached to the Investors Department of the CNMV), where you can refer a complaint through the following means:
Electronic submission of your complaint.
Form directed to the Complaints Service of the CNMV: Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid – Passeig de GrĂ cia, 19, 08007 Barcelona.
Likewise, you have an investor helpline: 900 535 015.
The CNMV examines the admissibility of the complaint and communicates its admission or request for correction of those issues that are necessary for its admission.
Once admitted, the complaint is transferred to the relevant institution (in this case, Flobers), so that it can make its allegations within twenty-one natural days. Flobers must send these allegations to the claimant so that they can comment on them, also within a twenty-one natural day period.
The maximum period for resolving complaints is ninety natural days. If this is not possible, this circumstance must be reported, and the causes that have prevented compliance with the required deadline it must be included in the final report.
The final report shall contain clear, precise, and motivated conclusions on the conduct followed by the institution in the case raised. This report:
During the processing, interested parties may withdraw their complaint, which would lead to the termination of the procedure for the claimant. They can also reach a settlement with the institution and put an end to the proceedings.
The CNMV examines the admissibility of the complaint and communicates its admission or request for correction of those issues that are necessary for its admission.
Responsable del tratamiento: FLOBERS CROWDFUNDING SPAIN PFP, S.L. Contacto: Finalidad del tratamiento: gestión de la relación con inversores y promotores para prestación de los servicios ofrecidos por la empresa. Legitimación: consentimiento prestado por el Usuario y documentación contractual que se suscriba entre las partes. Destinatarios: no se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal o judicial, si bien la entidad de pago Lemonway tendrá acceso (sin cesión) a sus datos con objeto de poder prestar el servicio de pasarela de pagos contratado por Flobers y necesario para la realización de las inversiones. No existen transferencias internacionales de datos. Derechos: Podrá ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión, portabilidad, oposición y/o limitación al tratamiento y a no ser objeto de una decisión basada únicamente en el tratamiento de datos automatizado, incluida la elaboración de perfiles, asà como revocar los consentimientos otorgados dirigiendo su solicitud a